Check if some instance has mediators mapped to it
Display object instance that should be checked fro mediators.
True if mediators mapped for this instance are found or false
Map display object to mediator class.
Display object type or abstract class type which to map to mediator.
A mediator class which should be created as instance of type
is created.
true if mediator is created successfully or false if type been already mapped to requested mediator class.
Check if instance
is part of any mediator map binding known to this class. And
if so, mediator or several of them will be created for instance or nothing at all will happen.
Display object instance whose mediators should be created.
true if any of mediators have been created.
Remove mediator mapping for type.
Display object type or abstract class mapping to which should be removed from mediator map.
A mediator class binding from which should be removed.
true if mediator mapping was found and sucessfully removed or false otherwise.
Remove any mediators created for instance.
Display object instance whose mediators should be removed.
true if any mediators have been removed.
Mediator map utility represents a list of view component/interface mappings to their Mediator classes.
Jānis Radiņš / Kristaps Peļņa